Saturday, January 27, 2007

News from Bay and... BAIA

Hi folks!

It has been a long long week, a great deal of stimulating activities.

We all were so busy... nevertheless I had time to dream of my beloved Sardinia....

In particular I would like to tell you sth about BAIA and the first BAIA meeting we joined on Tuesday, Jan 23 in Palo Alto.

BAIA [Business Association Italy America] is an independent, nonprofit, member-based network whose mission is to create tangible business value by establishing a professional forum through which information, knowledge and opportunities can openly and effectively be exchanged between the business communities operating in the United States and Italian business interests. BAIA's new approach to business networking is based on an Open Source Governance model.

The speaker was Peter Thoeny, a recognized thought-leader in wikis and social software.Featured in numerous articles and technology conferences including LinuxWorld, Business Week and The Wall Street Journal Thoeny explained what wikis are and how they are used, covered social aspects and security concerns while teaching how to roll out a wiki. He also explained how teams can use TWiki, an open-source wiki for the enterprise, to build tailored wiki applications supporting their workflow and processes.
For more details see
I would like to thank Giorgio Ghersi, Matteo Daste and Michele Ursino (BAIA founders) for giving us the chance to attend those interesting meetings that are also a great opportunity of meeting a great deal of entrepeneurs.
Next BAIA meeting will be held on February 8, 2007 in San Francisco.
Take it easy,


Matteo Daste said...

Thank you Emanuele, always a pleasure to be of assistance. We hope that BAIA can continue to be of help in the weeks to come - at the very last we can promise you high quality, diverse events without too many guys with grey hair and with people who actually speak to those who are under 30 :)

Gaetano Pellicano said...

Thank you Matteo for your support. We are already working on the second edition of the Fulbright BEST program and on other initiatives. We rely on your great work.

Prudence said...

grazie per il bel commento che avete lasciato sul mio blog! Avete visto che non mi sono dimenticata di voi? Anzi leggo sempre il vostro blog con piacere, e aver contribuito a quello che state vivendo mi rende molto felice. A proposito, mi ospitate in California così vi vengo a trovare?? Veronica

Emanuele said...

Thanks Gaetano and Putnam. It is difficult to think tha the next edition of our program will be better than ours but we trust you. I think it could be a great opportunity and a really fruitful program for the guys to come.

Grazie Veronica,Gaetano e Candace. Mi viene difficile pensare che ci possa essere una versione futura e forse migliore di questa,che invece è così già speciale ed importante! Penso che sarà una nuova opportunità per altri giovani come noi per sviluppare capacità imprenditoriali e anche per crescere umanamente in questa grande esperienza. Grazie ancora per il programma che avete preparato per noi.