Hi, my name is Abramo Barbaresi (the oldest of the team, well… wishing to see the other side of the coin, we could say the most experienced). I am a native of Senigallia (it's a small city in the centre of Italy), probably the most happening city in Marche Shire. Senigallia is located just in front of the Adriatic Sea and it's a really nice place. I did my schooling there at the "Enrico Medi" Scientific Lyceum School. Afterwards I move on to Milan, where I spent the latest 15 years of my life. There I received a Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the “Politecnico di Milano” University I worked for short period and I continued my studies with a Ph D focused on 3D measurement without contact. For more information about my Ph D research interests I suggest you to visit my website when I was student www.barbaresi.net . My goal is to start-up a company working in 3D scanner field. In this sense I’m here to acquire entrepreneurial skills studding at SCU and principally to find partnership and/or alliance with all that Companies want to join with me in the development of new applications in 3D virtual world, security and medical field, using my 3D technology. I arrived here in California a couple of weeks ago and I immediately had a good feeling with people and the place. I feel that this will be a fantastic adventure. The weather is fantastic even if unusually windy.
Our first visit in San Francisco

Hey, the same tram I had in Milan!!!!
I'm at home!!!

Enjoy our blog
Nice pics of the City! Looks like you guys had fun - hope the tram from Milan made you feel more at home - it took a lot of work to get that out here for you guys.
Actually trams bought in Italy, Poland and other country are a great tool of marketing of the city. It’s an interesting example of how to create value from scrap iron!!
Ciao Abramo, lo sai che sei un mio pupillo.
Ti seguo da lontano e ho scovato questo blog dove posso controllarti passo passo.
Stai attento a come ti muovi e non fare scherzi.......
Un abbraccio e spero di rivederti presto...a proposito a Senigallia ci sono venti gradi e si va al mare..........Ciao da tutti noi
Oh my God, Abramo.
I knew yesterday evening about your experience in USA!!!
Sorry, but I and Silvia did not know nothing of it.
Congratulations! Here we are a marvellous news.
At this point we are going to follow your blog to be well informed.
Bye, Piccio and Silvia...that will become parents probably nex week!!!
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