Hello there,
nice to see you again!
Today I would like to tell you about our first meeting with the other West Coast Fulbright grantees in San Francisco. It was a really pleasant evening and we had the opportunity to meet a lot of very nice people from all over the world who are living as the same experience as us.

The meeting was at the Museum of African Diaspora, MoAD located at the heart of San Francisco (685 Mission Street).
MoAD is committed to showcasing the "best of the best" from the African Diaspora.
Embracing the newest applications in media technology, MoAD features an interactive theater and immersive exhibitions. This coupling of art, culture and technology enables MoAD to bring Africa, the African Diaspora and the world community closer together.
We really enjoy the opportunity to visit MoAD because it is totally different from the classic Museum that we have in Italy.
In particular, we could admire the Painting Ethiopia (which is the current exibition): The Life and Work of Qes Adamu Tesfaw.

Qes Adamu’s paintings stand out as truly exceptional. They tell stories about Christianity from an Ethiopian perspective, about the political and military exploits of 19th and 20th century Ethiopian rulers, and about rural and urban life. Rather than working from rote, Qes Adamu creatively re-envisions the subjects he paints.
He approaches every painting as a new problem to be solved. He is constantly thinking… dreaming… about making art.
So..I really suggest you to go to MoAD to admire Qes Adamu's paintings because they worth a visit!!!!
Before leaving you to the next episode, I would like to ask you a question:
Are you able to resist this kind of temptation????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????
Honestly.....I can't resist!!! This is a very big problem for my figure!!!
See you next week
Hey vally!!! I see u are enjoying your stay in the silicon vally... hehe.. I hope, in spite of this, u don't forget your friends and collegues from your research group in Naples.. :-) talk to you soon.. e pensaci ogni tanto...Ci manchi tanto! Baci baci
Vally guapisima..
que placer saber de ti y conocer los fragmentos de tu vida en California..
Al parecer lo estais pasando bastante bien ahì..
por cierto no puede ser todo como el pais de las maravillas..
pero estoy segura de que esta experiencia te ayudarà a buscar tu camino..
Cuentanos como te van las cosas ahì..
Te esperan dias fantasticos con Micol,Elisabetta y con los demas..
y..desde luego..
con nosotras cuando vendremos a encontrarte!!!
te echamos muchisimo de menos hermanita..cuidate
un beso fuerte
Anita y Nicoletta
Ps...tienes razon..
es imposible resistir a ciertos bombones...
tienes cuidado..
..que podrian hacerte un poquito gorda!!!...
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