Another week has passed, maybe all too quickly!!!
Everyday is full of new things to learn, new people to meet, new experience to have…it’s wonderfull but also very challenging!
We don’t want to forget anything so… we’ve bought a huge board on which we are writing down all our commitments and, as you can see, they are quite a lot!!
One of the events we took part in last friday was the Venture Capital Investment Competition "VCIC" hosted by the Santa Clara Univesity.
In this competition, differently from the other business plan competitions, the students are the investors, and real entrepreneurs try to convince them of their projects. We had the possibility to attend this event and it was a very powerful learning experience!!
Even if we’re very busy (!?) we found time enough to go to Santa Row..It’s like a small Wonderland!

See you next week,
ciao ragazzi, ho incontrato gaetano in ambasciata Usa martedì, so che avete conosciuto l'amico Jeff Capaccio, fondatore di SVIEC. E'dal 2005 che grazie aSviec guido e organizzo Study Tour nella Silicon valley per studenti di diverse Università italiane che hanno seguito i cicli di conferenze di cultura di impresa La storia nel Futuro Ho molti maici ora giù da voi, da Vittorio Viarengo vp di Oracle partito da una Sw house in un garage di Genova nei 90, a Michele Libraro che aiuta PMi high tech italiane afare il salto in USA come ha fatto Funambol di Fabrizio Capobianco da pavia, a ex Olivetti come Giacomo Marini ora venture Capital e molti altri...Se mi cerate su Skype paolomarenco vi do un po di contatti a presto good luck paolo
Anche io sono uno studente di ingegneria e sono stato qua per 5 mesi e ci staro ancora uno, io sono partito dall'italia e grazie all'aiuto di Paolo Marenco ed altri sono arrivato a Mountain View.
Mi farebbe piacere incontrarvi per parlare con qualcuno che sta per fare piu o meno la mia stessa esperienza.
la mia email e
Ciao e a presto
Now that your life, studies, and work in Silicon Valley are all taking off, I hope that you can find some time to meet with Shel Israel, co-author of the great blogging book, Naked Conversations. Shel was in Rome recently at the invitation of the U.S. Embassy, and met with many interesting Italians looking into web 2.0 ventures.
I urge you to read Shel's blog (see URL below) and get in touch with him. Invite him over to your new Casa Italia for diner or drinks to share your experiences and learn from him about how your blog can best help share your immersion experience with people in the United States and back in Italy.
Keep up the great work!
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