today I would like to tell you about our visit at Stanford University!!!
The campus is very huge...and it would have been very nice to go around it...unfortunally Saturday was a raining day...so we couldn't have a trip around this wonderful campus!!!

Speaker Line-Up:
* John Hennessy, President, Stanford University
* Carl Schramm, President CEO, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
* Steve Jurvetson, Partner, Draper Fisher Jurvetson
The President of Stanford, Mr. Hennessy spoke about what makes Stanford University such a successful Entrepreneurhip center:
1) Develop the willingness to approach problems in a high innovative way!
2) Freedom to Pursue ideas and dreams!
3) Community that embraces change and challenge people!
4) Has a lot of young people who sees a glass half full and not half empty!
5) Willingness to take on challenge in building unique team of people, innovators and entrepreneurs!!
After the prsentations, they spoke about the Challenge Competition:

The challenge is to use an everyday object - A PAD OF 100 3"x3" POST-ITS - to create as much "value" as possible
"Value can be measured in many different ways... How will you measure it?
Tap into your entrepreneurial spirit... Get your creative juices flowing... And, create as much value as possible!
To be successful you will need to challenge assumptions, seize opportunities, and be creative!"
Unfortunately, we can't partecipate to this Competition because it is only for Stanford Students...but it will be interesting to see what they are going to create!!!!

I'll let you know....
The Fulbright Girls at Stanford in front of The Electrical Engineering Building
See you soon
Hey guys! I'm going to snowboard this weekend... You wanna come?
Hi Lorenzo,
it would be great!!!
I speak with the others and I let you know.
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