Hello guys!
Long time not talk to you…life here is so busy and now I finally understand what they meant when, the first week spent in Silicon Valley, a guy from BAIA told us: Trust me, you will forget to eat and you won’t have enough time to sleep! Gaetano, did you remember? It was Giorgio and we were in the Redwood Room of one of the nicest hotel in San Francisco! Ok, he was right, but when I think to the future and to how I will remember this wonderful experience, I realize the importance of this blog…it will be great to read again these notes and the comments left by people met here. We’ll be missing all of them and this blog will be a way to retrace moments spent together and to keep in touch! Sometimes I love technology!!!
Inside a tree..
So, coming back to our daily activities…at present I am working as an Intern in the Business Development Unit of CoMentis (formerly Athenagen), a private held biotech company located in South San Francisco.
Every day I commute from San Jose, it takes about 50 minutes…it’s a long trip, but fortunately I don’t travel alone but I do carpool with my dear flat-mate Valentina, cause she works in the city as well, so we can talk during the trip and also take advantage of the carpool lane in the freeway (it goes much faster and it‘s funny to overtake other cars!). Btw, my daily schedule is from 8.30 to 3.30, because later I have to be in Santa Clara for our evening classes starting at 5 pm. So far, I have enjoyed very much my working activity at CoMentis: I mean, everything is pretty new for me…I have never worked before in the business field, dealing with finance and accounting stuff…but is so interesting to learn new things and in activities like competitive intelligence analysis or companies evaluation, I have the chance to use my scientific background to better understand the commercial landscape and to monitor competitors. What I hope is to keep on in this job and to learn as much as possible!
Moreover, we are going on writing our business plan through Mr Decitre class: it is very challenging, but the more you put in it, the more you will get from this exercise and I really hope to be able to capitalize on this work once come back to Italy!
Before saying goodbye, I’d like you to enjoy this wonderful picture taken by Micol last week end (thanks Micol for this wonderful reportage!). We were just outside San Francisco (Point Reyes), but the countryside was so quiet and beautiful that we felt like being miles away!!
The Lighthouse and the Ocean..... wonderful...
Among the Redwoods....
See you later,
Thanks Elisabetta,
for the honorable mention!
I can't say that I exactly recall the words of that first meeting (it does sound like me, though…), but than again: as an additional piece of advise, I would recommend not to trust 101% what a former-sales-guy-turned-business-professional says, especially within a Redwood Room!
I definitely prefer the suggestion that you guys offered from within “your” redwood: sometimes it’s good to take a step back and look at what we are doing in perspective; no immediate result is good enough to make us forget where we come from, and to distract us from searching where we should be going.
The challenge is mastering the balance between these two attitudes: “the more you put in it, the more you will get” and “saving a bit, to savor it all”.
If there’s one recommendation that I feel I should put in writing and undersign it, it’s this.
BEST of everything!
ciao ragazzi, sono appena arrivato a LA, stassera sono aSanta Clara sto 1 settimana per il Nanotech Forum per il Politecnico di Torino, magari riusciamo a vederci. Sono alloggiato all'Hawthorn Suites el camino real at san tomas tel 408 2416444, apresto Paolo www.storianelfuturo.org
Hello everybody,
I remember that night almost five months’ ago! And I remember when I first arrived in the U.S. with an exchange program promoted by the Embassy in 1987 and life appeared faster and more intense than in my previous time. I don’t want to add a single word to the wisdom provided by Giorgio. I only recommend that one day you shouldn’t forget to give something back. Learn from people who act only because it is the right thing to do. Be generous and optimistic and become a good model for our countrymen.
See you soon, ciao,
Salve Principesse!
Ho scoperto il blog solamente ora!
Saluti svizzeri!!!
Its beautiful.... I am also planning a holiday trip to San Francisco with my friends through Cheap Tickets.
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