Sunday, March 4, 2007

my first week..

Hello guys,
how are you doing?

I'm good and I'm going to tell you about.....


I started my internship last monday at Panomics Inc., a biotech company located in Fremont.

I was so excited because is was not only my first working week but also my first work experience!!

As I told you the first time I posted this blog, I took my master degree last november and after that I moved here. I mean, I worked in the lab for one year performing my thesis project but I was still a student!

Now I entered the real working world!

When I was a kid(not a long time ago?!), I believed that this "strange place" in the world called "the Silicon Valley" was a sort of fictional world! I was not able to figure out what kind of place it could be! But now I'm here and I started working here, in this"strange place" and everything is real, everything exists!

I usually go to work at 8.00am by car and even if there's a lot of traffic on the freeway in the morning (it's the rush hour!) because everyone here in california has a car (at least one?!), is so nice drive early in the morning, listening to the radio and looking at the landscape around!

Before starting I'm getting into the habit of having a huge cup of American coffee, setting in my pretty cubical and then..let's the day start!

I'm having a great experience, both exciting and challenging and I'm learning a huge amount of things trying to do my best!

I met a lot of people during this week, people coming from all over the world, and everyone was so nice saying me "Welcome on board!". That feels nice!

First off all I think that for being able to do your best you have to feel good, and I'm feeling like this!

The week passed so fast!

Tomorrow is monday and another week is starting and I feel like starting!

Before saying you goodbye..

just a small gift to "Italy" and especially to Lu and Bella....from "Pierino la Peste"
See you soon guys!!


paolo marenco said...

sarò a santa Clara al nano forum dal 19 al 26 maggio per Il POlitecnico di Torino, ci vediamo una sera con tutti voi ??Il Poli ha il Klab di Chivasso interessato atrovare partner e clienti, se vi viene in mente qualche link fatemi sapere

elisabetta said...

ciao paolo!

certo che ci possiamo vedere..sentiamoci piu' in la, quando magari avrai gia' un'idea precisa della tua agenda e ci mettiamo d'accordo

a presto

Unknown said...

x Micol: ciao Mici! un bel salto da quando vivevamo insieme no? non l'avrei mai detto che avresti avuto un blog! a stento scrivevi una mail...ti piglio in giro! ciao conqui! sono contenta di vedere che te la passi alla grande...scrivimi.anche io ho novità, anche se non eccitanti come le tue...grande conqui! baci

micol said...

ciao Anto, che bello sentirti!!!Quante cose ho da raccontarti!!un bacione e a presto!Micol